Privacy Policy

Ⅰ. Introduction/简介

Lanqing Games respects the privacy of our users (“you” or “your”) and is committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you play our game (including but not limited to Chrono Crystal) on the APP Store(such as Google Play, App Store, etc.), and the desktop versions of our video games. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By playing the Game, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and management of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of this Privacy Policy. You are encouraged to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed of updates.

In order to provide relevant functions and services, we will process your information. If you do not enable the relevant functions or use the corresponding services, we will not process your personal information. In addition to this policy, in certain products, we will also provide immediate notifications through pop-ups or page prompts to explain the specific purposes, scope, and usage of information collection for that product. These immediate notifications are part of this privacy policy and have the same effect as this policy. Please pay special attention to them.

Before using the services provided by the game, please carefully read and fully understand this policy, especially the clauses marked in bold/bold underline. You should focus on reading them and only start using the services after confirming that you fully understand and agree to them. If you do not agree with the content of this policy, it may result in the game services not running properly or not achieving the intended service effects. In this case, you should immediately stop accessing/using the game services.




Ⅱ. Information We Collect/我们收集的信息

① Information You Provide/您提供的信息

We may collect information you provide when you interact with the Game, such as:

  • In-game usernames or display names
  • Contact information, such as email addresses, when you contact us for support or participate in promotions
  • Any other information you choose to provide to us


  • 游戏中使用的用户名或显示名称
  • 当您联系我们寻求支持或参加促销活动时,联系信息,例如电子邮件地址
  • 任何您选择向我们提供的其他信息

② Information Automatically Collected/自动收集的信息

We may automatically collect certain information when you play the Game, including:

  • Device information, such as device type, operating system version, and unique device identifiers
  • Usage information, such as game progress, preferences, and interactions with the Game


  • 设备信息,例如设备类型、操作系统版本和唯一设备标识符
  • 使用信息,例如游戏进度、偏好和与游戏的互动

③ Information Collected from Third Parties/第三方收集的信息

We may receive information about you from third parties, such as advertising and analytics partners.


Ⅲ. How We Use Your Information/我们如何使用您的信息

We use your information for various purposes, including:

  • To improve, personalize, and expand the Game and our services
  • To understand and analyze the usage trends and preferences of our users
  • To deliver targeted advertising and promotional offers
  • To respond to your inquiries and requests for customer support
  • To comply with legal obligations and protect our rights and interests


  • 改善、个性化和扩展游戏和我们的服务
  • 理解和分析我们用户的使用趋势和偏好
  • 提供定向广告和促销优惠
  • 响应您的查询和客户支持请求
  • 遵守法律义务,保护我们的权利和利益

Ⅳ. How We Share Your Information/我们如何分享您的信息

① share

We may share your information with third parties under certain circumstances, such as:

  • With our trusted service providers who perform services on our behalf
  • With advertising and analytics partners to deliver targeted advertising and analyze user data
  • In connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets
  • To comply with legal requirements, protect our rights and interests, or enforce our policies



  • 与代表我们执行服务的值得信赖的服务提供商
  • 与广告和分析合作伙伴共享以提供定向广告和分析用户数据
  • 在合并、收购或出售我们全部或部分资产的情况下
  • 遵守法律要求,保护我们的权利和利益,或执行我们的政策

② Transfer

In the event of a merger, acquisition, asset transfer, division, dissolution, declaration of bankruptcy or similar circumstances, if your personal information needs to be transferred, we will notify you of the relevant situation, inform you of the name and contact information of the recipient, and require the new recipient to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and no less than the requirements of this policy.



③ Disclose

We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • Disclose the information you specify when you explicitly agree to do so;
  • Disclose your personal information in accordance with the requirements of laws and administrative regulations.



  • 根据您的需求,在您明确同意的情况下公开您所指定的信息;
  • 根据法律、行政法规的要求公开您的个人信息。

④ Exceptions with Authorized Consent

According to relevant laws and regulations, your consent is not required in the following situations when processing your information:

  • Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract in which you are a party;
  • Necessary to perform statutory duties or legal obligations;
  • Necessary to respond to public health emergencies or to protect your or others’ life, health, and property safety in an emergency;
  • Reasonably processing your personal information for news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other behaviors that serve the public interest within a reasonable scope;
  • Reasonably processing personal information that you have publicly disclosed or that has already been lawfully disclosed by others;
  • Other circumstances as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.



  • 为订立、履行您作为一方当事人的合同所必需;
  • 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需;
  • 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护您或他人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;
  • 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理范围内处理您的个人信息;
  • 在合理范围内处理您自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;
  • 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。

Ⅴ. Children’s Privacy/儿童的隐私

The Game is not intended for use by children under the age of 3. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 3. If you believe we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under 3, please contact us at our email so we can promptly remove such information.


Ⅵ. Security/安全问题

We use industry-standard security measures to protect your information. However, no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and you should be aware that the systems and communication networks used to access the game service may be subject to issues beyond our control. Please ensure that you keep your account, password, and other identity elements secure. When using the game service, we will identify you through your account, password, and other identity elements. If you disclose the aforementioned information, you may suffer losses and have adverse consequences. If you suspect or discover that your account, password, and/or other identity elements may have been compromised, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures to avoid or mitigate any potential losses.


Your Rights And Choices/你的权利和选择

You may have certain rights and choices regarding our collection and use of your information, such as:

  • Opting out of targeted advertising
  • Uninstalling the Game to stop the collection of your information
  • During your use of the game services, we will provide you with corresponding operational settings to manage your personal information based on the specific circumstances of each game product. This will allow you to review, copy, transfer, correct, supplement, delete, or withdraw your relevant personal information.
  • Some features of the game allow you to not only expand your social network but also publicly share your relevant information with all users using those features. You can upload or post information and respond to the information uploaded or posted by others. As long as you do not delete the information you have publicly shared, it may remain in the public domain indefinitely; even if you delete shared information, it may still be cached, copied, or stored by other users or third parties not under our control, or saved in the public domain by such users or third parties. If you disclose or share your information through the aforementioned channels, we are not responsible for any resultant information leakage. Therefore, we remind and request that you carefully consider whether to disclose or share your information through these channels.
  • We provide you with a way to cancel your account. Under the conditions stipulated in our service terms and in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, you can submit an account cancellation request by following the respective requirements on the platform. You can also choose to contact us through the feedback channels listed in the “How to Contact Us” section of this policy, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

After your account is canceled, we will cease to provide you with all or part of the game services, and upon your request, delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations. Once the relevant information is deleted or the account is canceled, it cannot be restored, so please operate cautiously.

If you registered and logged in to use our game products through an account provided by a joint operation channel party, and you wish to cancel the account, you need to apply to the corresponding channel party to cancel the account or revoke authorization for logging in to our game products.


  • 选择退出定向广告
  • 卸载游戏以停止收集您的信息
  • 在您使用游戏服务期间,我们将根据各游戏产品的具体情况为您提供管理您的个人信息的相应操作设置,以便您可以查阅、复制、转移、更正、补充、删除或撤回您的相关个人信息。
  • 游戏的部分功能可让您不仅可扩宽您的社交网络,还可与使用该功能的所有用户公开分享您的相关信息,您可以上传或发布的信息、您也可以对其他人上传或发布的信息作出的回应。只要您不删除您所公开或共享的信息,有关信息可能一直留存在公众领域;即使您删除共享信息,有关信息仍可能由其他用户或不受我们控制的第三方独立地缓存、复制或存储,或由其他用户或该等第三方在公众领域保存。 如您将信息通过上述渠道公开或共享,由此造成您的信息泄露,我们不承担责任。因此,我们提醒并请您慎重考虑是否通过上述渠道公开或共享您的信息。
  • 我们向您提供帐号注销的途径。在符合我们的服务条款约定条件及国家相关法律法规规定的情况下,您可以在平台上按照相应的要求提交帐号注销申请。您也可以选择通过本政策“如何联系我们”章节所列的反馈渠道联系我们,我们会尽快为您作出解答。

在您的帐号注销之后,我们将停止为您提供全部或部分游戏服务,并依据您的要求,删除您的个人信息或做匿名化处理,但法律法规另有规定的除外。 相关信息一旦被删除或者帐号被注销,将无法恢复,请您谨慎操作。


Ⅶ. 修订及通知/Revisions and Notifications

To provide you with better services, we will modify the terms of this policy in a timely manner based on updates to the game services and relevant legal requirements. These modifications constitute part of this policy. We will publish any changes to this policy on this page. For significant changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (website announcements, push notifications, pop-up prompts, or other methods). Major changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:

  • Significant changes in our service model, including the purposes of processing personal information, the types of personal information processed, and how personal information is used;
  • Significant changes in ownership structure, including changes in owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;
  • Major changes in the primary objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or disclosure;
  • Significant changes in your rights to participate in personal information processing and how those rights are exercised;
  • Significant changes in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information, and complaint channels;
  • Other important or potentially serious circumstances affecting your personal interests.

Any modifications we make will prioritize your satisfaction. We encourage you to review our privacy policy each time you use the game services. When necessary, we will send you service-related notifications.

If you do not wish to continue receiving our pushed messages, you can request us to stop pushing. Specifically, you can stop receiving promotional text messages following the SMS unsubscribe instructions, or set your mobile device to stop receiving our pushed messages, except in cases where we are legally required to send messages.


  • 我们的服务模式发生重大变化。包括处理个人信息的目的、处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式;
  • 我们在所有权结构方面发生重大变化。包括业务调整、破产并购引起的所有者变更;
  • 个人信息共享、转让或公开的主要对象发生重大变化;
  • 您参与个人信息处理方面的权利及其行使方式发生重大变化;
  • 我们负责处理个人信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生重大变化;
  • 其他重要的或可能严重影响您的个人权益的情况发生。



Ⅷ. Contact Us/联系我们

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Lanqing Games

[email protected]

[email protected]